We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary this March! We couldn't have had a better one. Granted, we were a little more sleep deprived than previous years and our anniversary fell during spring break so a babysitter was nowhere to be found. So Josephine just went with us to Bodean's Seafood restaurant where Tor had the delicious San Francisco-Style Cioppino and Clare had tempura Orange Roughy. Top it off with a nice white Riesling, stout brew and chocolate dessert and we had a wonderful meal, anniversary celebration and celebration of the first year of our marriage with Josephine's presence! We had a delightful time and enjoyed an EARLY bedtime to catch up on lots of lost sleep.
Here in Tulsa summer is on its way...with a large snow here and there. :) We are still laughing about our eight inch snow! We missed it, because Clare and Josephine packed up and went with Tor to sunny California for a business/fun trip. This was Josephine's first plane ride and she did wonderfully! No ear problems whatsoever and she didn't cry once unless Clare took too long to attach her to the boob when she got hungry. :)
We loaded for shipping two fantastic old coffee roasters that are now ours. We were in Chico, CA most of the time and enjoyed immensely the fruit, nut and olive orchards we passed on our drive from Sacramento to Chico. We passed thousands and thousands of beautiful, blossoming trees. These roasters, circa 1945, are vintage jewels that roast coffee better than any new roaster out there. We are so excited! Big Ben ( the Red one) can roast easily 3000 lbs plus per day. After finally getting them loaded and banded down we headed to Redding to Bill Johnson's church. It was really wonderful. We also drove around and ate like pigs. Since Clare is breastfeeding there is a very high calorie consumption on her behalf. However, Tor has had sympathetic eating pangs and has put on a justified 7 extra pounds to boot. Eatin' is great right now.
Josephine is two and a half months old now! She's a petite little one weighing in at 10 pounds for her two month Dr. appointment. She was droopy after her first immunizations and cried every time you touched her little leg. She had fun in California - getting lots of time with both Mom and Dad. She snuggled Dad in the mornings and hung out with Mom during the day while Dad worked. She LOVES showers! She just sits there and chills as long as she's in the warm water. She doesn't even mind her face getting wet and just lets the water run over her. Tor thinks she will be a good swimmer, and we're looking forward to giving that a go in the pool this summer. She has finally learned the pacifier has some tiny value to her occasionally. Thank goodness, I think it really helped her ears on the flight. She still isn't a huge paci fan, but will suck it for short periods of time and if we repeatedly stick it in her mouth.
Vanna girl is doing well and somewhat adjusting to not being the only baby. Big adjustment for her! Her bird dog skills are improving every season it seems and she is growing very obedient to Tor. Tor's training skills have alot to do with this I'm certain. It makes her even more pleasant to have around.
Josephine's Development:
Well, according to the books, Josephine should be smiling in response to our smiles, blowing bubbles, recognizing our voices, cooing and holding her head up for short periods. She does all these things and more! She smiles so adorably and we think she's close to laughing because when she smiles really big her mouth goes open wide and she gurgle coos in her throat. The bubble blowing she has down pat and she will talk and coo all the time. She's working on the three months developmental objectives by stuffing her whole fist in her mouth and sucking, turning to the sound of our voices and turns from her side to her back. No more couch laying without supervision!
We are really looking forward to the summer and the warm fun it will bring.