Environmentally friendly choices. Or not. You choose.
While scrubbing dishes I was struck with a desire for inspiration from friends and acquaintances about ways to be environmentally friendly. Now, let me say, I am the furthest creation from a tree hugger that exists, and often find "earth friendly" products and ideas to be stupid. I think global warming is a crock. But, I think humans must be thoughtful of our environment - For our own sakes. Also, as a Christian, I believe God made us responsible for our planet. Here are two lists. One of things we (Tor and I) do or buy that we are environmentally proud of, the other of things we do or buy that we aren't proud of. FYI: Just because we're not proud of them doesn't mean we want to, will, or can change them. Reasons included in the latter list. Read and be inspired to earth friendliness or be enabled in earth unfriendliness. Whichever you choose. I'd love to see your lists; however short or lengthy. Have fun brainstorming.
- don't use paper plates.
- use earth friendly dish soap, dishwashing liquid and fragrance-free laundry soap.
- use the same razor! lol
- use Tom's toothpaste.
- use Sonicare toothbrushes.
- rarely chew gum.
- use vinegar as an all-purpose cleaner.
- don't smoke.
- take as few pills as possible. (residual comes out in pee to the water everyone drinks).
- don't use tupperware or plastic products for food storage.
- use saran wrap and foil rarely.
- keep the lights off and ambient temperature moderate.
- use earth friendly body soaps and shampoos.
- use glass cups and buy glass bottles whenever possible.
- use paper vs. plastic at the grocery.
- have a 1987 Honda that gets good gas mileage.
- buy products in paper cartons or glass packaging when available.
- don't put produce in plastic bags at the grocery.
- carpool alot.
- wear alot of cotton clothes and shoes.
- use mineral makeup foundation, eyeshadow and lip balm.
- breastfeed the babes.
- use bleach and comet, like, rarely.
- do online banking and get online statements.
Not proud.
- don't recycle. (It's an extra trip in Tulsa we don't make the effort for).
- drive a Suburban that gets terrible mileage. (Not worth the expense to be rid of yet).
- use disposable diapers and wipes. (Tried cloth and grossed out).
- use LOTS of paper towels. (I am clean ninja and visualize bacteria growing in rags and
- collect plastic bags, but forget to take them to Wal-Mart for recycling.
- use traditional toilet and floor cleaners. (I use less frequently and not buying them
is a way to save $).
- don't compost. (We live in an apartment and smelling a bucket on the deck is too gross).
- don't have a garden. (apartment thing again).
- don't plan on using all energy star appliances until they make them work better.
- only use those spiral light bulbs outside. (I heard that if they break, there's mercury
exposed. How stupid. Hello, toddler poisoning).
- use lotion and some lip balm with petroleum in it. (It works better than anything).
- use ziplocs. LOVE ziplocs...
- use like three trash bags a day.
Here you have the Nordstrom earth footprints and non-footprints. What are yours?