Wow! Time flies so fast; my last post was Jan. 31st. We are all doing well around here. Josephine is almost 5 weeks old and has met both sets of grandparents and several other members of the extended family. She's a mover and a shaker. :)
After Pete, Joie and the rest of the family headed back to Seattle, Tor, Clare, Josephine and Vanna went to MarVal trout camp for a little bit of campfire and down home fun as a new family. Josephine was a good baby and as long as she was cuddled in her carrier right next to one of us, she was a happy trout camper. Vanna adored the fishing...she retrieved fish from the fishing line! She jumped in the water and swam all around - in spite of the frigid water temperature.
Valentine's Day was exciting as usual. We spent it with the Rice's, as we do every year, and made a meal fit for royalty. This year held added excitement as there were three kids to laugh, fuss, cry and play. We did have a casualty, though. Andrew Rice is at his peak in the crawling stage and found the rice cooker on the floor and thought the steam looked fascinating enough to touch...imagine the outcome by the time we could get to him! Poor guy. He is in the pic above looking quite put out. The Asian meal consisting of miso soup and sushi turned out well although an hour or so later than planned. Lydia Rice is quite the little baby caretaker - she loves to take care of Andrew and hold baby Josephine!
Tor is doing well and roasting ALOT of coffee. We are looking forward to a new espresso machine at the shop and to the website being almost finished. He is a fabulous daddy who adores his little girl. Josephine loves him as well - she can be in a deep sleep and when he walks through the door she'll wake up and fuss until he picks her up for a cuddle. She likes his songs and play times already.
Clare is still quite sleep deprived as getting up three times at night is just hard to adjust to. You can see from the picture above that the average morning finds me looking something like this. :) We just got announcement pictures taken, so Clare will be working on getting those out once she decides which one to use!! They are all adorable, of course.
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