May Love
We spent a week in in Seattle because Taryn Ro Nordstrom, Tor's sister, was married May 9th. The wedding was beautiful, as was the bride. Tor and I were both in the wedding, so Josephini was watched by family and friends while we rehearsed and did our weddingly duties! Josephine could not have been a more peaceful travel companion and made many a fellow plane passenger smile with her coos and smiles. Being in Seattle is always fun and the beauty of the surroundings and fresh air is incredibly refreshing. We reconnected with lots of Tor's friends and had some wonderful times introducing Josephine to the "Northwest" family members. We left Tulsa's 80+ degree weather for the 40 and 50 degrees in Seattle. Thankfully, Clare packed jackets for all.
Tor is working out the Mr. Mom role like a champ, and even managed to give Clare a Mother's Day card that made her cry, along with the most gorgeous Northwestern peach tulips ever grown. Josephine goes to work with Dad and loves to sit in the carrier on Dad's back. She has also been sighted on the docks with a crappie rod in her hand.
Josephine now weighs 12.4 lbs and has received her third round of immunizations. She is a dainty little girl and still feels like a little feather until you try to lift her in her 10 lb carseat. You might as well be lifting weights. She has an amazingly sweet temperament; she is truly a gift to us.
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