Branson has been a fantastic getaway for us over the years. We usually stay at Big Cedar, play mini-golf, shop at the Branson Landing, walk around smelling the fresh air, fish, and a million other things.

Last weekend, Clare got off work (at 7 pm), and we called some of our best buds, Timothy and Rachel Wallace. We informed them we had just decided to run up to Branson for 24 hours to pick up some coffee equipment - they should come, be ready in 30 minutes and we'd vacay. We threw stuff in a suitcase, made sure we had sufficient diapers and took out at 9:30. After a mandatory McDonald's stop on the turnpike we set out and had a blast. We got in at 1:30 am and slept - after Tor worked an inexpensive deal on a Big Cedar fishing cabin for one night. We slept in, ate French Toast room service style, drank Starbucks, shopped, ate again at Cantina Laredo (presently our favorite restaurant in Branson), watched the cool water show, shopped, drove down 412 through the mountains and Eureka Springs, AR, ate Italian and fried chicken in NWA at the Venesian Inn, then called it a night back in Tulsa at 10:30 pm. We all decided that had been way fun and felt much longer than 24 hours! It was a spring celebration of good friends and what a wonderful stage of life we are all in.
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